On Sunday, 6/11/2022, the Department of Business Administration arranged an international workshop entitled “Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods” in the Hybrid method, both online and offline. The university faculty members participated in the international workshop. Assist Lecturer Khowanas Saeed Qader from the Department of Accounting and Finance introduced the objective and learning outcome of the...Read More
On Sunday 30/10/2022, the Department of Health and Hospitals Administration conducted an international workshop entitled (Breast cancer awareness) on International Breast Cancer Day.The workshop was run by the assistant lecturer and head of the Department of Health and Hospitals Administration Shirin Jamal, as well as, Dr. Shelan Gader Reshed a specialist in diagnostic radiology and...Read More
On Wednesday (27/10/2022), the Department of Business Administration at the College of Administration and Economics held a chess championship for the university students, administration staff, and faculty members. The activity was held at the university library where 25 chess players participated in the competition. Initially, the players were eagerly awaiting the championship and were well...Read More
On Monday, 23/10/2022, the department of Business Administration arranged an international workshop entitled “Managing Multicultural Teams” for the university faculty members. Assist Lecturer, Khowanas Saeed Qader introduced the presenters, and then Dr. Narentheren Kaliappen briefed the “Managing Multicultural Teams”. Dr. Narentheren also explained the benefits of mixed multicultural teams and focused on some cases to...Read More
On Thursday 13 October 2022, the department of Tourism Administration arranged a national workshop for the (Kurdistan mountain federation) entitled “Modern mountain climbing and its role in the tourism industry” for the university faculty members to learn about the principles of mountain climbing.The three members of the federation (Mr. Hemen Amin Mansur, Mr. Beston Saleh,...Read More
On 17/10/2022 the department of Business Administration, and the Department of Health Administration at the College of Administration and Economics in coordination with the Department of Kurdish Language at the College of Language and Education conducted a community activity at the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The first part of the activity was...Read More
On Sunday 16/10/2022, the Department of Business Administration arranged an International Workshop entitled “Interpersonal Skills” for the university faculty members to improve and enhance their Interpersonal Skills for their self-growth. Assist Lecturer, Rizhin Noori from the department of Business Administration introduced the objective and learning outcome of the workshop, and Later Dr. Vaishali Rahate spoke...Read More
This topic is preferred to train the faculty members to learn the subtopic of the course “Production and Operations Management”, as it is taught in the third stage in the Department of Business Administration in two successive semesters, which consists of both theoretical and practical. The participants were made to involve the practical part as...Read More
On Tuesday, June 7, 2022, the Department of Business Administration hold an Art activity by arranging a movie show for all the staff members of the University. The movie was “A Life on Our Planet” by David Attenborough. This movie has highlighted different aspects of our earth, forest, population, climate, etc., and how as human...Read More
The department of Business administration held the international workshop entitled” Role of Educational Institution in Encourage Students to Entrepreneurship” Entrepreneurship can be considered a national asset, and entrepreneurs are the drivers of that asset for any country. Entrepreneurs are important to market economies because they can act as the wheels of the country’s economic growth. For...Read More
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