April 2024


رۆژی سێ شەمە ڕیکەوتی ٣٠ی ٤ی٢٠٢٤بە ئامادەبوونی دەستەی سەرۆكایەتی زانكۆی لوبنانی فەرەنسی،و بەریزان مامۆستایانی كۆلێژ و  ستافی ئەکادیمی زانکۆ . بەشی  یاسا وۆرکشۆپیکی ناوخۆیی ئەنجامدا بە ناونێشانی (هۆشیارکردنەوە لە ماددە هۆشبەرەکان وکارتێکەرە عەقلیەکان ) بۆ بەرێزان ( محمد حميد عباس  ) نوینەری ئاسایشی گشتی لە لیژنەی باڵای ئەىجومەنی وەزیران بۆ ڕیگری كردن لە مادە هۆشبەرەکان،...
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On April 30, 2024, the Department of Business Administration orchestrated a highly anticipated international workshop titled “Multivariate Statistical Data Analysis with its Applications.” Held at [University Name], this event brought together esteemed presenters and eager participants to explore the intricacies of statistical analysis in contemporary business contexts. Dr. C. Ganeshkumar, Associate Professor at the Indian...
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On April 28, 2024, the Department of Health Administration in the College of Administration of Economics, in collaboration with Kurdistan Animal Protection (KAP), organized a community event called “Environment for All.” Shirin Jamal, Assistant Lecturer and Head of the Department of Health and Hospital Administration, kicked off the event. In her introductory statement, Jamal effectively...
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On Saturday, 27/04/2024, representatives from Lebanese French University headed by the Dean of College of Education and Languages Dr. Abdelrahman Jalal and members of the teaching staff from the college participated in the “International Symposium on Global Perspectives in Education: Exploring Opportunities and Challenges” held jointly by Salahaddin University – Erbil and International Maarif Schools....
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لە درێژەی كار و چاڵاكییەكانی بەشی دیپلۆماسیەت و پەیوەندییە نێودەوڵەتییەكان لە كۆلێژی یاسا و پەیوەندییە نێودەوڵەتییەكان لە زانكۆی لوبنانی فەڕەنسی، خولی پاڵەوانیەتی تێنیسی سەر مێز ئەنجامدرا، مامۆستایانی كۆلێژی یاسا و پەیوەندییە نێودەوڵەتییەكان بەشداریان لە خولەکەدا كرد. لە کۆتاییدا دوو یاریزان گەیشتنە یاری کۆتایی ئەوانیش بەرێزان مامۆستا تحسین زاهیر و مامۆستا میران مامند بوون، دوای پێشبركێیەكی...
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رۆژی چوارشەممە ڕێککەوتی ٢٤ی ٤ی٢٠٢٤ بەبۆنەی ساڵیادی کارەساتی بۆردومانکردنی قەڵادزێ و زانکۆی سلیمانی  لە بەرامبەر تاوانەکانی ڕژێمی بەعس لە دژی میللەتی کورد، سەرکردایەتی سیاسی ڕێگە چارەی ئاشتی و شارستانی و دیموکراسی گرتەبەر، لەم سۆنگەیەشدا نیوەندە ئەکادیمی و زانستیەکان بە چەکی قەلەم و زانست و زانین و مە عریفە وەڵامی ئەم تاوانەی رژێمیان داوە، بۆ ئەم...
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On Thursday, April 25, 2024, College of Education and Languages, the Department of General Education held an international workshop entitled “Discourse Analysis and Literature” The workshop was about examining the role of Discourse Analysis and Literature in interaction. By Discourse Analysis and Literature, the presenters meant not only the traditional interpretation of them but also...
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The Information Technology Department of the College of Engineering and Computer Science conducted a six-sessions training course titled (Linux Operating System) from April 15 to 24, 2024. The course consisted of three sessions per week (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday). 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. . The Assistant lectures (Maryam Sarmad and Zina Yaaqub), were the...
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On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., the Department of Computer Networks of the College of Engineering and Computer Science organized an international workshop for faculty members entitled “Literary Theory Feminism”. The session was moderated by Lecture. Dr. Monika Sharma and Associate Professor Dr. Kavita Tyagi. This workshop was attended by...
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On Thursday, April 25, 2024, students from the Accounting and Finance Department in the Faculty of Administration and Economics took part in the prestigious “Competitive Projects” event. Under the direction of Ms. Roniyaz Hayas Mahmoud, ten creative projects that sought to innovate in the Kurdistan region were presented. This initiative’s main goal was to stimulate...
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