ورشة عمل دولية تحت عنوان امراض التخاطب واللغة برعاية رئاسة الجامعة اللبنانية الفرنسية وعمادة كلية التربية واللغات اقام قسم اللغة العربية والترجمة في كلية التربي واللغات فی یوم السبت المصادف 30-1-2021 في الساعة 11:30 صباحا.ورشة عمل افتراضية (اون لاين) تم تقديمها من قبل:الاستاذ الدكتور سناء هادي عباس التدريسية في كلية التربية الاساسية في الجامعة المستنصرية ومن قبل المدرس المساعد (ميساء مراد عجور ) من فلسطين .والدكتورة ( وفاء أبو جلالة...Read More
Glossed over aspects of nonverbal communication. International Workshop Under the patronage of the Presidency of the Lebanese French University, Dr.Mohammad Sidek and the Dean of the Faculty of Education and Languages Dr. Shareef Moulud, The Department of English organized a workshop with reference to the official decree No.ED&L85 issued from the Deanship of College of Education and Languages on the date 26-10-2020.The key to accomplishment in both private and professional...Read More
Under the patronage of the Honourable Dean Dr. Shareef Mouloud Shareef, the General Education Department celebrated the invitation of the talented graduate from the Department of General Education for the year 2020-2019 to hold its first art exhibition in support of the college for its outstanding talent and maintaining the principles of education in establishing the pillars of communication between the graduate and the university. له ژير چاوديرى (دكتور شريف)به...Read More
In appreciation of the activities of the distinguished Lectures of the Arabic Language and Translation Department at the Faculty of Education and Languages during the first semester, a luncheon was held on Thursday, 28-1-2021, which was attended by the Dean of the faculty and Lecturers from various departments to celebrate and congratulate them on their distinguished activities during the first semester. تثمينا لنشاط اساتذة قسم اللغة العربية والترجمة المتميز في...Read More
Art is the Mirror of society’s needs, hopes dreams, and ambitions. From this perspective, The department of General Education organized an Art Gallery for the Artworks of our Alumni Zahra Bahjat Sdeeq on Tuesday 26th of January at 11:30. in the Entrance Lobby of the first building of Lebanese French University. The Art exhibition was under the title of “Woman and Flower: the secret of Harmony “.The artworks are for...Read More