Arabic Department Gratitude activity for the department Faculty members.

In appreciation of the activities of the distinguished Lectures of the Arabic Language and Translation Department at the Faculty of Education and Languages during the first semester, a luncheon was held on Thursday, 28-1-2021, which was attended by the Dean of the faculty and Lecturers from various departments to celebrate and congratulate them on their distinguished activities during the first semester.

تثمينا لنشاط اساتذة قسم اللغة العربية والترجمة المتميز في كلية التربية واللغات خلال الفصل الدراسي الأول تم اقامة مأدبة غداء في يوم الخميس المصادف 28-1-2021 حضرها عميد الكلية واساتذة الكلية من مختلف الاقسام للاحتفاء بهم وتهنئتهم على انشطتهم المتميزة خلال الفصل الدراسي الأول

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