

Abstract: هدفت الدراسة التعرف على الصورة التي تقدمها إعلانات القنوات الفضائية العراقية للمرأة وتحليلها من حيث الشكل والمضمون، واعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج التحليلي، وقام الباحث باختيار عينة عمدية من خلال تحليل مضمون لعينة من الإعلانات التليفزيونية التي يذيعها التليفزيون العراقي، المتمثلة بالفضائيات )العراقي ة - الشرقي ة- السومرية( موضع الدراسة . وقام بمسح شامل لإعلانات...
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Abstract: The Theory of Accountability and Freedom in the View of the Judge, Abdul-Jabbar According to Judge Abdul-Jabbar, the theory of accountability and freedom falls within the origin of the second of the Islamic five fundamentals agreed upon by the Mu’tazilites in their theological doctrine, justice. Without acknowledging the two principles of accountability and freedom,...
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Abstract: Protecting individuals and maintaining their safety in the face of criminal danger is an essential duty of the state in society to curb the spread of crime by taking precautionary measures aimed at preventing the commission of crime. The Iraqi legislator realized the importance of this, so he issued a special law No. (28)...
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Abstract: Automated flaw identification has become more important in medical imaging. For patient preparation, unaided prediction of tumor (brain) detection in the magnetic resonance imaging process (MRI) is critical. Traditional ways of recognizing z are intended to make radiologists' jobs easier. The size and variety of molecular structures in brain tumors is one of the...
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Abstract: This review article introduces a number of essential linguistic and sociological notions concerning identity. The present paper tries to scrutinize the route towards the construction of identity and its existence in relation to how a person understands his or her relationship to the world. Analytical views throughout the areas of linguistics and sociology are...
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Abstract: Bayesian networks are analytical models that may represent probabilistic dependent connections among variables and are useful in machine learning for generating knowledge structure. Due to the vastness of the solution space, learning Bayesian network (BN) structures from data is an NP-hard problem. The score and search technique is one Bayesian Network structure learning strategy....
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Abstract: The present article provides an overview of the Kurdish women’s rights struggle in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Throughout the history of the mentioned region, Kurdish women have been struggling for their rights in their society but they have not received their rights yet. Having said that, the current work tries to shed light...
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Abstract: As internet traffic grows daily, so does the need to protect it. Network security protects data from unauthorized access and ensures their confidentiality and integrity. Steganography is the practice and study of concealing communications by inserting them into seemingly unrelated data streams (cover media). Investigating and adapting machine learning models in digital image steganalysis...
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Abstract: The search for identity is the central theme to numerous literary works, often following the protagonist or another protagonist. This research analyzes the protagonist's growth throughout Swing Time by Zadie Smith, which, like the majority of published psychological works, is motivated by a search for the individual's "authentic self." It's only appropriate that the...
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Abstract: The rapid development of Internet-of-Things (AIoT) systems that assess and respond intelligently to environmental stimuli without human participation has been substantially facilitated by the combined integration of AI and the IoT. However, the volume, velocity, and validity of data and catastrophic transmission latency make it difficult or impossible to process huge volumes of data...
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