As part of the partnership between French Department in College of Education and Languages with Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), on 15th of November 2021, assistant lecturer Sarah Kayfi has attended an online webinar on “Quality and Quality assurance in online learning.” The webinar aimed Vice-Presidents, Deans and Directors of QA / institutional effectiveness...Read More
On Thursday, 4/11/2021, Kurdish Department in College of Education and Languages organized a national workshop titled (Literature and Studying the Era After Irfan) for assistant lecturers Muhammad Qolmarfi and Mariwan Hwayyiz Rustum. Both teachers shed light on the importance and the consequences of poetry and literature in the era after Irfan and how it purifies...Read More
On November 3rd, 2021, Department of General Education in College of Education & Languages organized a national workshop titled “How to evaluate the quality of mathematics teaching at the university level according to the American Quality Management Standards (ISLLC)”. The workshop’s first session was presented by Dr. Nedhal Abdul Hafedh. Dr. Nedhal outlined the concept,...Read More
On Sunday, October 20 2021, Department of Arabic Language and Translation in College of Education and Languages held a national workshop entitled “Names and Traits of Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace) in the Holy Qur’an”. The first session of the workshop was presented by Assistant Professor Dr....Read More
On 7th of October 2021, in the French department, the assistant lecturer : Sarah Kayfi has attended an online webinar on “ Designing responsive online academic advising” for deans, heads of academic departments and program directors, as well directors and staff workings in student services units including career advising, counseling, tutoring centers. By AUF( Agence...Read More
From 8th to 14 of Septembre 2021, in the French department, the assistant lecturer : Sarah Kayfi has attended two international training courses for french University teachers in Iraq by French embassy, Online format. Concerning :Teaching the literature in FFL ( French as a Foreign Language ) class, and : FUP ( French for University...Read More
From 21 to 24 of Septembre 2021, in the French department, the assistant teacher : Sarah Kayfi has attended in ( 18ème Assemblée Générale Quadriennale) ( Quadrennial General Assembly) of AUF ( Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie ) ( Association of Francophone Universities ), which is held in Bucharest – Rumania, Hybrid form ( presence...Read More
On Thursday , September 16 , 2021, the Department of General Education held the national workshop entitled “How to Teach Imperial English Program.” The workshop’s first session was presented by Asst. lecturer. Laveen Kamaran Muhamad, the head of the Imperial English Program at Lebanese French University. She addressed the best ways for teaching Imperial English...Read More
The department of General Education organized a training course for the faculty members in the college of Education and Languages under the title of; الخط العربي The Training course aimed to introduce the trainees with the most famous Arabic calligraphy; الخط الكوفي ,خط الرقعةand خط الثلث The Assistant Prof. in Arabic Language ,Dr. Shawket Taha...Read More
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