nabaz nawzad


Abstract: In cloud computing infrastructure-based services, resource scheduling is still an open issue. Normally resource scheduling involves multi-objective fulfillment but often developed as single-objective problems and solutions are proposed. For dealing with multi-objective problems, optimization techniques come in-aid to develop various techniques as cloud resource scheduling is a soft computing problem. The ultimate aim of...
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Abstract: This study deals with the optimality theory and the syllable structure within the hypothetical framework of the theory. The syllable has always played a central role in the phonological theory. But within the recent advent of Optimality theory, its role has become crucial in Linguistics. Optimality theory (OT), "is a linguistic model proposing that...
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Abstract: This paper examines the effects of economic growth, financial development, and trade openness on the environment quality measured by CO2 emissions over the period of 1965–2014 in the case of Egypt. In this study, the series were stationary at their first difference form, and thus, a long-run model was adopted using the vector error...
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Abstract: Long Term Evolution (LTE), known as 4G technology, is considered the choice for Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and 3GPP2 mobile operators. LTE is expected to bring an improved user experience with full mobility support. However, to cope with the increasing number of mobile data subscribers that compete for the limited radio resources, effective...
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Abstract: Language is a medium used to communicate reciprocally. At this contemporary living, it is a must that any literate has to learn more than one language so as to be able to communicate with people beyond boundaries. English is a widely used language in terms of communication between countries, cultures, races and different lingual...
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Abstract: An important type of digital media is images, and in this article, we are going to review how images are represented and how they can be manipulated with simple mathematics. This is useful general knowledge for anyone who has a digital camera and a computer, but for many scientists, it is an essential tool....
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Abstract: Modern technological developments in the mid-1990s brought about a quantum leap and a real revolution in the world of communication and the Internet spread throughout the globe, connecting parts of this world with its wide space, paving the way for all societies to converge and to exchange ideas, ideas, and desires. A web browser...
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Abstract: This paper presents several techniques used in digital steganography in term of spatial and transform domain. Additionally, it analyses the performance and the metric evaluation of the techniques used in digital steganography based on spatial and transform domain. This paper aims to identify the main mediums of digital steganography, which are image-based, video-based and...
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Abstract: This study aims to identify local news sources in the Kurdish electronic media, the study is a descriptive study using the survey method and rely on the content analysis mannar to collect the necessary information about local news sources. The study community consists of all Kurdish electronic news sites, and the Xendan site was...
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Abstract: Usage of internet and ways to benefit from it in the field of scientific research and academic communication has become a necessity to keep pace with scientific and learning development by faculty members. The university need to provide a conducive environment for staff members to tap in to the technology for the purpose of...
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