nabaz nawzad


Abstract: The research aims to identify trends in parental socialization among a sample of children in the Syrian displacement camps. And the level of social adjustment for them. The differences between the responses of the research sample on a scale trends in parental socialization depending on the research variables (length of stay in the camp,...
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Abstract: Linguistic structures and their semantic impact on the drafting of the Iraqi Civil Law No. 40 of 1951, This research has included linguistic connotations as a basic structure in the drafting of the law in general and the Iraqi Civil Law No.(40) Of 1951 in particular, because of the role of the language in...
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Abstract: The purpose of the research is to know the reality of the educational values of the (reward and punishment) procedure in the educational philosophy and approach of Maria Montessori. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach. The study showed the following results: - The most common procedure of reward used in kindergarten are verbal...
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Abstract: هدف البحث إلى تعرُّف مستوى المساندة الاجتماعية ومستوى القدرة على حل المشكلات الاجتماعية لدى طلبة المرحلة الاعدادية في مدارس محافظة أربيل. والعلاقة بين المساندة الاجتماعية والقدرة على حل المشكلات الاجتماعية. ودلالة الفروق لدى أفراد عينة البحث على مقياس المساندة الاجتماعية ومقياس القدرة على حل المشكلات الاجتماعية وفق متغيري البحث: الجنس، المستوى الاقتصادي للأسرة(. واعتمد...
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Abstract: The goal of research is to identify Max Weber's power, Max Weber's types of power, Max Weber's charisma, charisma and charisma, define the psychological, social, and relational dimensions of charismatic leadership. The descriptive approach was adopted in this research. The research concluded that: Weber's comprehensive theory of charismatic leadership should be expanded to include...
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Abstract: Since Kurdistan is expanding, it is getting more economically strong, and it thus requires a large amount of cash to carry out various developmental tasks. Individual investors' investment behavior must be studied in order to find the reasons that encourage people to invest. This will allow idle savings to be channeled into investment, which...
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Abstract: The amount of digitized application is growing fast and continuously. As the result of such growth, professional, reliable and secure techniques for identifying people inside both real and virtual worlds are mandatory. In this paper, we present a fully automatic ear-based biometric system which needs no human intervention and can be used in a...
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Abstract: The aim of the current study is to analyze the relationship between accounting system and organizational planning. Managers are aware of their own requirements as well as the resources that their organizations would require to support the activities that have been recommended. We believe that the findings of this study will assist managers in...
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Abstract: Objectives: The purpose of this study is to find out the extent to which information disclosure laws in Iran are complied with and the IOSCO disclosure provisions, and to investigate the extent to which disclosure cases are reported in the reports of companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange. We also examine the effect...
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Abstract: The research is going a novel route by investigating whether investors project previous performance into the future in order to come up with their estimates about future stock returns. The way earlier research estimates investors' expectations is to use experiments or surveys to determine those expectations. In contrast, we generate investors' expectations by taking...
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