nabaz nawzad


Abstract: Despite the direct effect of the COVID-19 virus on children is uncommon so far, the indirect effect of the global COVID-19 pandemic can be catastrophic for children, causing considerable death and suffering. Many major causes of poor health and mortality in children were increased this year as a result of the pandemic and the...
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Abstract: The state of the art in fractal picture compression algorithms is investigated. The primary directions for improving compression algorithms are discussed. In terms of classification efficiency and picture processing speed, the methods are among the most effective. The concept of steganographic use of the fractal algorithm is discussed. The differences between the advanced compression...
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Abstract: This study investigated the effect of board characteristics on financial performance. The study examined board ownership, board independence and board meetings as the independent variables of the study and Return on Assets as the dependent variable which indicated the financial performance of the organization. The data was collected from companies from different industries spanning...
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Abstract: National Literature is the nationality of Turkish literature, which developed between 1908 and 1923 and began with the nationalism movements of the second legitimacy. This literary movement lasts until the Republican era.During this period, the concept of simplification in the language of Turkish literature was adopted.A closer understanding of the language of the people...
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Abstract: Technology has a crucial role in different aspects of everyday life, and its importance for education is no different. Technology is swiftly changing the way students learn and teachers teach. There are reasons behind the growth of E-learning industry in higher education, both from the institutions’ and students’ perspectives. E-learning is an attractive alternative...
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Abstract: This research paper explains (love and alcohol) the incomprehensible founders in Kurdish poetry for them. This is because (Mullah Wasman) is at the center of the essence and active in the story and the story of love and affection for the beloved; That is, the soul is the basis of the subject in discovering...
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Abstract: Human Resources Management, (HRM), is fundamental for a subjective and vigorous medical care; however, the effect of HRM board in the KRG yet has stayed outside the ability to control of government wellbeing foundation in confronting emergencies especially with infectious disease. This raises the importance of the research specially to confront the covid19 in...
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Abstract: Nodaway, teachers everywhere are implementing technology as an additional resource for teaching to aid them in their classroom. Many of the teachers are encouraged to utilize some of the applications, social media and other technological materials programs to help their students succeed. It’s imperative that learners are given opportunities to demonstrate what they know...
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Abstract: Language is a phenomenon that has a central point within the field of linguistics. Among many aspects that are usually tackled within linguistics, the comprehension and the production of language are analyzed as well. Therefore, the two mentioned processes have a specific focus within the domain of linguistics. The ability to produce and comprehend...
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Abstract: Distributed memory is a term used in computer science to describe a multiprocessor computer system in which each processor has its own private memory. Computational jobs can only work with local data, so if you need remote data, you'll have to communicate with one or more remote processors. Parallel and distributed computing are frequently...
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