nabaz nawzad


Abstract: A production sharing contract has been chosen by the Kurdistan Regional Government as supposedly the most appropriate contract model for the oil and gas resources of the Kurdistan Region, among several other forms of contract. In general, in terms of royalty, cost recovery, and sharing the residual sales as negotiated, the Kurdish model is...
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Abstract: With the appropriation of the Lisbon Agenda and its significant goal, in particular that the EU would turn into the most powerful and serious information-based economy on the planet, it turned out to be clear the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) are the particularly influenced by these plans, since they speak to the main...
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Abstract: Tükenmişlik, çalışanların iş doyumunu etkileyen başlıca etkenlerden biridir. Çalışanın tükenmişliğini hissettiğinde, iş doyumu azalır ve bu sendrom organizasyonu genel olarak etkiler. İş tatmini, çalışanlar için önemli bir noktadır; bugünün pek çok çalışması, şirketlerin rekabet gücünün yüksekliği ve çalışanların sayısının yüksek olması nedeniyle bu noktaya odaklanmaktadır. Bir telekomünikasyon şirketinde çalışmak ve farklı sorunlara sahip birçok...
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Abstract: The use of energy sources in the world is increasing day by day, especially natural gas, and the Kurdistan Region is a naturally gas-rich region that has a rate of 5.6 trillion cubic meters, which can be a source of income and a role in economic diversity. Gas is a valuable source of electricity...
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Abstract: Covid-19’s impact on brands, creativity and marketing have been neglected as studies are being drawn on broader business and economic aspects. The research explores Covid-19’s impact on brands, creativity and marketing using a qualitative approach. The social marketing theory and related empirical applications were applied to find future areas of applications and establish sound...
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Abstract: Nowadays, the world suffers from a terrible problem with COVID-19. Some researchers worked for a facemask detection biometric system by using Residual Networks such as Resnet50 or Resnet100. This research focuses on depreciating the transmission of Corona Virus Disease (COVID) from person to person. To wear a facemask plays an excellent role in not...
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Abstract: Concerning the auditor's independence, the ongoing debate in the literature is about how to balance the obligations and requirements faced by the auditor in the course of his audit duties with the related provision in place that authorizes additional non-audit services to be provided to the audited clients. Facing the audit profession today, ethical...
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Abstract: The purpose of the study is to offer a review of literature on how Information System and communications influence marketing strategies and practices. As Internet become the source of information for all business organizations, it changed the way businesses operate. The nonstop advancement of communication and information technology has had significant ramifications on organizations...
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Abstract: This study was purposely conducted to analyze the outcome that motivation has on the performance of workers where private banks in the Kurdistan regional government were used. Motivation comes in handy for a firm that wishes to attain its goals and prospects. When the workers are motivated, they improve their commitment to the firm’s...
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Abstract: The current study aimed to investigate the essential factors to be taking into consideration prior starting an investment in financial markets especially during Covid-19 era. Individual investors are those who make purchases of securities on behalf of other individuals. Most of the time, these investors trade in modest quantities and are primarily interested in...
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