

Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-128 on 9/2/2021 The Department of Health Administration had conducted the International workshop on 9th May, entitled” Women in Business Management”. The first speaker Dr. Sara Azad, a lecturer from Barcelona University, Spain. she started with inaugurating the workshop with a focus on reviewing the existing research and...
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-134 on 2/2/2021 The Department of Business Administration had conducted the International workshop on 6th May 2021, entitled” Course Adaptation: A Pedagogical Skill for Teachers”. The workshop was started by First Speaker Dr. Sohail Imran Khan, Assistant Professor from Department of Business Administration, College of Administration & Economics,...
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-123 on 28/3/2021 The Department of Health Administration had arranged the national level workshop on 29nd April 2021, entitled ” Health and Safety/ Global Standard for University” The workshop Presented by Ms. Zaynab Jaff, lecturer from health Administration Department, College of Administration and Economics and Dr. Fatihya F.....
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-128 on 7/3/2021 The department of health administration had organized the National Workshop on 29th April, entitled” Personal Development-Weal of Life” The workshop was started with the presentation of Ms. Zaynab Ali, lecturer, Department of Health Administration, College of Administration and Economics, Lebanese French University. She explained with...
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-129 on 28/3/2021 The Department of Health Administration conducted the University level workshop on 28th April 2021, entitled” learning about Google Hangouts” for the faculty members. by Mr. Rezhin Nuri, Lecturer from the Department of Health Administration, College of Administration and Economics Lebanese French University. The workshop aimed...
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-124 on 14/1/2021 The Department of Tourism Management had organized the International workshop on 26th April 2021, entitled ” The Future Plans to Culture Tourism in Kurdistan” The workshop was presented by three experts. Mr. Daud Slemen was a guest from the United Kingdom. He dealt on foremost...
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On the 28th of March 2021, the College of Administration and Economics, Department of Business Administration conducted a Viva-voce examination for the Master’s Degree at the Seminar Hall – Lebanese French University. The oral examination was successfully completed for the student Ahmed Talaat under the title, “THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JOB SATISFACTION AND JOB PERFORMANCE: EMPIRICAL...
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-102 on 8/12/2020 The Department of Marketing Administration conducted an international level workshop on 14th March 2021, entitle(Consumer behavior post-pandemic and the dark side of digital marketing). On behalf of the president of the university and the Dean of the college Dr. Ramyar Rzgar, the facilitator welcomed everyone...
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-54 on 11/11/2020 The Department of Health Administration jointly with the Department of Financial and Accounting on 21st February 2021 had conducted a training course entitled “Education doesn’t stop at university, education towards employability must be the motto of an educational institution.”Having this as an aim, the College...
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-327 6/1/2021 On 7th February, the department of legal administration held the national-level workshop titled, “The Role of Tax In Economic Development” The participants were going on. The discussion good knowledge and information on (Tax) to the participants. On the other hand, A numbers of attendance asked about...
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