January 16, 2023


Saturday, January 14th, 2023, the Department of Sociology, in collaboration with Daratoo School, organized a community activity that was led by Suren Akram Hamanajim, a university lecturer from the Lebanese French University’s College of Law and International Relations, Department of Sociology. During the event, Mr. Hamanajim expounded upon the significant impact that education can have...
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The Alumni activity was organized by the Department of Computer Engineering in collaboration with the College of Engineering and Computer Science on Monday, January 16, 2023. The Department of Computer Engineering invited the department’s Alumni,” Arazw filar abdulaziz” responded to the invitation as part of the Alumni Activity, she graduated from the computer engineering Department...
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The Alumni activity was organized by the Department of Information Technology in collaboration with the College of Engineering and Computer Science on Monday, January 15, 2023. The Department of Information Technology invited the department’s Alumni,” Mohammad Sherzad’ responded to the invitation as part of the Alumni Activity, He graduated from the information technology department in...
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