In the continuation of the work and activities of the Diplomacy and International Relations department, College of Law & International Relations, on Monday, 22/2/2021, with the presence of Asst. Prof. Dr. Rozhan Dzaiy, dean of the College of Law and International Relations, and Lect. Younis Al-Dabbagh the head of the diplomacy and international relations department,...Read More
College of Law and International Relations, Department of Law holding a scientific workshop On the 18th of February 2021, the College of Law and International Relations, Department of Law organized a scientific workshop under the title of “Procedural, Political and Legal Issues of the Federal Parliamentary Election Process,” by assistant professor Dr. Sardar Qadir, Dr....Read More
College of Law and International Relations, Department of Law holding a scientific workshop On the 17th of February 2021 at 8:00 PM, on the Zoom platform, the College of Law and International Relations, Department of Law organized a scientific workshop under the title of “A Review of the Administrative Law and Administrative Court Program at...Read More
On the date of sunday14-02-2021, the Sociology department of the College of Law and International Relations have organized a workshop entitled “The Role of Non-government Organizations in the Humanitarian Response Process”. This workshop was presented by asst. Lect. Suzan Naji Sabri and asst. lect. Alwand Talaat. During the workshop, the role of the NGO was emphasized...Read More
On Sunday 14 of February 2021 between 11:00 and 12:00 am, the department of sociology had an activity entitled Handmade Craft, which was organized by second-year students. Many students brought their handmade pieces of stuff from home and present their work to the rest of the attendees. Sayran Abdelqader, who is one of the second-year students, brought...Read More
College of Law and International Relations, Department of Law Holding a Scientific Workshop On the 10th of February 2021 at 12:00 PM, with the presence of an assistant professor, Dr. Rozhan Dzaie, the Dean of College of Law and International Relations, and a number of Lebanese French university Lecturers a workshop was presented in the...Read More
On 7th Feb 2021, the college of Law and international relations in coordination with sociology and psychology association conducted a remote workshop on the ways of improving social work carrier in the schools. The workshop was presented by: Dana Laif Shwani, lecturer in the French-Lebanese university department, lecturer in Saeed Hamadamin, Dana Salam lecturer in...Read More
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