The 15th of January, students of 1st year of French department have visited the French Institute (Erbil). during this visit, differents ways of learning, practicing and improving French language have been introduced, such as Culturethèque,,DELF exams and cultural and entertainment programming of the French institute. Students have also discovered the French library . Lastly, a...Read More
The college of Education and languages has organized a welcome party for the new members of the staff. It was a chance to break the ice and to get acquainted with each other. It was a very cozy event and the atmosphere was so friendly.Read More
A keynote speech in International conference at st thomas college Kerala India by Dr. Mohammed Sadik and Dr Vinnaras nithyanantham, on 9th January 2020Read More
Dr. Nedal Akrawi presenred a seminar under the title ( تقويم المهارات التدريسية لأعضاء هيئة تدريس الرياضيات في الجامعات الأهلية في إقليم كردستان العراق في ضوء مواصفات الجودة)،in General Education department, on Wednesday 4/12/2019.Read More
Dr. Elena Rounkova presented a seminar entitled “Teaching Writing to Low Level English Language Students in LFU” on the 2nd December 2019 in the Department of English / College of Education and Languages.Read More
Mrs. Lubna Marqus presented a seminar entitled “Honorific Expressions with Reference to English-Arabic Translation” on the 2nd December 2019 in the Department of English / College of Education and Languages.Read More
The department of General Educationof college of Education and language had organized a workshop under the title of “Examination Regulations” presented by Dr.Sharif Moulud on 27 of November at 1:00 in Mr. Sulemans hall.In Lebanese French university.Read More
اقام قسم اللغة العربية في كلية التربية واللغات بالتعاون مع منظمة (ستارت نيت) وركشوب تحت عنوان( خطوة نحو تطوير الطالب الجامعي من الناحية الأكاديمية ) في يوم الثلاثاء الموافق ل 26/11/2019 في قاعة السيمنارات في الجامعة اللبنانية الفرنسية بحضور حوالي خمسين شخصا من الطلبة والأساتذةRead More
On Monday 25th November 2019, the college of Education and Languages, in cooperation with the representative of students, has prepared a reception party, that each head of department (Education, French, English, Arabic and Kurdish) has made a speech on his department, as well some students presented songs.Read More
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