nabaz nawzad


Abstract: The largest organ and the outer covering of the human body is the skin. With seven layers of it covering the other organs inside, skin is one of the important part to take care of. A skin condition is one which affects the integumentary system and that includes a wide variety of diseases including...
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Abstract: This study examines the impact of trait based assessment on teaching writing skill for EFL learners. Conducted as pre- study with one group pretest and posttest structure. The test was conducted to 11 candidates of the second trail of a language course in an institute in Erbil in 2019. Purposive sampling procedure was used...
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Abstract: The re implementation of internal factors is significant to improve the performance of employees in organizations that play a central role in improving the performance of employees. To achieve that, I have designated the research in Rehabilitation, Education and Community Health in Erbil. The research adopted the questionnaire as the main tool for collecting...
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Abstract: Ad hoc mobile cloud computing networks are affected by various issues, like delay, energy consumption, flexibility, infrastructure, network lifetime, security, stability, data transition, and link accomplishment. Given the issues above, route failure is prevalent in ad hoc mobile cloud computing networks, which increases energy consumption and delay and reduces stability. These issues may affect...
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Abstract: Information technology is a major resource to supply suitable information to help enhance it on the process of rational and managerial decision-making. Information Technologies also contribute to the administration ability to do its functions (for example, planning, control and decision-making), and monitoring the governmental revenue, control the public funds to ensure the safety of...
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Abstract: This paper presents a review of the compression technique in digital image processing. As well as a brief description of the main technologies and traditional format that commonly used in image compression. It can be defined as image compression a set of techniques that are applied to the images to store or transfer them...
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Abstract: (Al-noor) is an Arabic term and one of the most wonderful names of Allah and the name of one of the holly Qur’anic Surahs. This term is one of the Qur'anic terms that bewildered the Arabs to whom the holly Qur'an was sent down and then widespread. Accordingly, the importance of studying this term...
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Abstract: Scientists consider the human language is like the living being, it lives on the tongues of who speak it from the a lives, it is therefore evolving and changing by time as the human being develops and changes and it is subject to growth rules development. Language is also a social phenomenon, because it...
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Abstract: After the revolution of technology and the Internet in the modern era, and its pros and cons, the phenomenon of digital drugs spread through a number of common Internet sites, which are not less dangerous than conventional drugs. Addiction to any drugs that harms human health and mind prohibited by Islamic law. It has...
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Abstract: Abstract تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة اتجاهات الشباب الجامعي في کردستان العراق نحو معالجة القنوات الفضائية الکردية لقضايا الأمن القومي لإقليم کردستان ودورها في تشکيل معارفهم واتجاهاتهم نحو تلک القضايا سواء على الصعيد الداخلي، أم على الصعيد الخارجي. تعتمد هذه الدراسة على منهج المسح الإعلامي، وأجريت الدراسة الميدانية على عينة طبقية متاحة قوامها 420...
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