

Today 17 Dec 2020 college of administration and economic’s faculty members participated in ceremony of Kurdistan’s flag day .
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-153 on 7/9/2020 The Department of Accounting and Finance from the College of Administration and Economics had organized an International Workshop on 10/12/2020, titled, “Auditing Contracts based on Corporate Social Responsibilities, Issues, Challenges, and Prospects.” The Dean of the College of Administration and Economics Dr. Ramyar Walzy inaugurated...
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On 7/12/2020 Accounting and finance department had a seminar entitled ( The importance of IELTS)
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On 24 November 2020 accounting and finance department had a seminar entitled (The impact of sustainable development dimension on the quality of financial reports)
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Department of marketing had a seminar entitled (Genetic Based MarketingHyper-Personalized-Product Selling based on Your DNA test).
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Health administration department had a seminar entitled ( tobacco users effect to oral cancer ).
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Department of health administration had a seminar on 9 Nov 2020 about ( Managing monthly income for the individual and family)
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Department of health administration had a seminar on 8 Nov 2020 about (information technology management).
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-49 on 5/8/2020 The Marketing Administration Department had organized an International Workshop on the 5th of November 2020, entitled “Experts’ view of the media treatment of the Corona pandemic and its impact on the public.” The Dean of the College of Administration and Economics Dr. Ramyar Walzy inaugurated...
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-335 on 27/9/2020 The department of Legal Administration conducted a National level Workshopon the 1st of November 2020, entitled “The Election System between Iraq and United States of America”. The workshop started with the first speaker Mr. Hawar Muhammed, a lecturer from the Department of Legal Administration, College...
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