March 10, 2021


     The Faculty of Education and Languages is keen to spread the importance of the language in addition to urging the need to learn a second language in addition to the mother tongue. From this point of view, the college has worked to provide opportunities to learn a second language through Kurdish language training courses...
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Viva examination of a master degree in Law at the college of Law and International Relations took place on the 4th of March 2021 at the seminar hall – Lebanese French University campus. The oral examination was successfully completed for student ( Siamand Yusuf Sleman ) under the title ( The Role of Regulatory Authorities...
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Educators are, without a doubt, the most influential people in our culture. They offer youths a sense of self, prepare them for success as global citizens, and instill in them a desire to do better and excel in life. Today’s youth will be tomorrow’s leaders, and teachers are the key factor in preparing them for...
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-54 on 11/11/2020 The Department of Health Administration jointly with the Department of Financial and Accounting on 21st February 2021 had conducted a training course entitled “Education doesn’t stop at university, education towards employability must be the motto of an educational institution.”Having this as an aim, the College...
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Referring to our official book decree numbered AE-327 6/1/2021 On 7th February, the department of legal administration held the national-level workshop titled, “The Role of Tax In Economic Development” The participants were going on. The discussion good knowledge and information on (Tax) to the participants. On the other hand, A numbers of attendance asked about...
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Many people consider athletics to be just an extracurricular or co-curricular activity in colleges. Sports, on the other hand, play an equally significant part in a person’s life as schooling. One should be well-versed in both sports and culture to ensure overall and all-around development in life. Sports sharpen the body and fitness, while training...
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