پایز لەشێعرەکانى موحەممەد عومەر عوسماندا

  • Abstract
    Autumn and Mohammed Omer Osman is the title of this study; trying to describe the
    reflection of autumn season in the poems of the poet. Apart from the introduction
    and the result, the study includes two main parts; the first part of the project is about
    (The content of the new Kurdish poetry and the reflection of nature in the new
    Kurdish poetry and the value of autumn in the new Kurdish poetry). In the second
    part of the study, the practical aspects are described as follows (The description of
    the seasons of the year is based on the poems of Muhammad Omar Osman and the
    value of autumn by Mohammad Omar Osman.
    The most important conclusions that the researcher has reached in this context are
    that in the poet’s opinion there are only two seasons of the year (winter and autumn),
    Unlike many other poets, who paid great attention to the seasons: (Autumn and
    Spring). On the other hand, it was the two seasons, which became the main theme of
    his poems.
    The autumn season has also covered the poetry of the poet, that is why he was known
    as a (General of autumn)

  • Mohammed Omer Ibrahim
  • 19/03/2023
  • https://journal.lfu.edu.krd/ojs/index.php/qzj/article/view/1149/1318
  • https://journal.lfu.edu.krd/ojs/index.php/qzj/article/view/1149/1318
  • تویژینەوە