The perspectives of English and mathematics teachers on the problem-solving skills of secondary school students in KRG

  • هیلین فؤاد اسماعیل
    ایمان ادریس كریم
    سارة جالل مجید
    ریان صالح سكران

  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Nedhal Abdul Hafed Taher
  • The study sought to identify the opinions of teachers of mathematics and English in secondary schools in the Kurdistan Region regarding the skills and abilities of students in solving problems and to determine whether there are differences between them according to some variables. Since English and Mathematics have logical structures, the findings of the study may contribute to a useful theoretical background by providing quality information about problem-solving skills for secondary school students in the Kurdistan Region. The importance of the study lies in meeting the requirements of teachers of mathematics and English in terms of using symbols as a primary means of communication and how the two subjects interact. It also helps school teachers and decision-makers in the Ministry of Education in Kurdistan to identify difficulties in integrating English and mathematics curricula. The aim of the study was to reveal the opinions of middle school mathematics teachers and English language teachers on improving students' problem-solving skills. Two questionnaires were prepared to verify the objectives and questions of the study, one of which was directed to teachers of mathematics (15 items) and the other (23) items to teachers of English. The descriptive analysis method was used to collect, classify and process the study data. The statistical program (SPSS) was used to find the mean, standard deviation, correlation, and variance, analyze the data and verify the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The results of this study showed that there is a relationship between the equations of learning mathematics and learning English in terms of solving problems related to the two subjects. They have mutual logical structures and one affects the other.

    Keywords: problem-solving skills, secondary school, English language, Mathematics language, Secondary school.

  • Keywords: problem-solving skills, secondary school, English language, Mathematics language, Secondary school.
  • RESEARCH 3333_compressed (2)