The Impact of Practical Education Vs Theoretical Education

  • هەڵگورد قادر موستەفا
    ئیسماعیل خەسرۆ
    هاوناز هاوڕاز
    شەیما هادی

  • م. ی. ئەحمەد عەزیز محەمەد
  • Abstract
    One of the most crucial aspects of the learning process is the student's teaching
    style. Each approach has a specific role to play in the physical, social, emotional, and
    cognitive growth of learners. The type of skill, the educational situation, and the student
    all influence how heavily a technique is relied upon. A key component of contemporary
    education is the use of all current technology tools for both teaching and learning. All
    entry-level programs in the educational system must include practice education. It is
    employed as a teaching approach to link theoretical knowledge with experience, such as
    occupation-focused models. The purpose of the study was to discover how students felt
    about the impact of practice educators on their comprehension of the application of
    occupation-focused models in practice. Theoretical learning is a method of gaining
    knowledge of a subject through theories, facts, information, and concepts, while practical
    knowledge is what results from applying the same in practical contexts.

  • Practical Education, Theoretical Education and Modern Teaching.
  • iamail