On Sunday, October 9, 2022, the Department of General Education held the national workshop entitled “Learning through Touching and Feeling” The workshop was about a look at the work of a famous Swiss
psychologist who had a major influence for a large part of the twentieth century. At the beginning of the workshop, the first presenter Mr. Shaxawan introduced some general points about Piaget’s main interest was in developing a theory of cognitive growth. Then the second presenter explained some details about Sensori-motor learning. Moreover he put the spot light on Piaget explanation saying, In Piaget’s usage a reflex means a reaction of the organism that is hereditary and not acquired by experience. In the workshop 17 staff members have participated.
Workshop Outcomes
- To be aware about the Piaget’s theory of child learning stages.
- To know the creative way in learning can occur, and understand the mental development of children.
Presenters’ Information
- Shaban Sulaiman MA. In English language and literature at (CIU) Cyprus International University. Currently, he is a teacher in the college of Education and languages, department of General Education at Lebanese French University.
- Ahmed Azeez holds MA. and is a PhD student in English language and literature at Istanbul Aydin University. Currently, he is the representative of teachers in the college of Education and languages, department of General Education at Lebanese French University.
Reference: (Official decree no. ED&L 25 on 9/9/2022)