The first bologna process workshop: curriculum design

On Monday 5/9/2022, the department of Accounting and Finance arranged a national workshop entitled “The first National workshop on Bologna Process: Curriculum Design” for the university faculty members as preparation for the implementation of the Bologna Process. Assist Lecturer, Khoanas Saeed Qader from the department of Accounting and Finance introduced the objective and learning outcome of the workshop, and then Dr. Nabaz Nawzad Abdullah briefed on the Bologna Process and the importance of its implementation at Lebanese French University. Dr. Nabaz Also provided some insight on European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the curriculum design.

The third part of the workshop was followed by group work and faculty members involved in the curriculum design for their departments. All academic staff of the College of Administration and Economics actively engaged in the process and shared their insight and exchanged their ideas based on their experience, labor market needs, and other national and international universities.

Workshop learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop participants:

  1. Acknowledged the significance of the Bologna Process
  2. Learned how the ECTS works.
  3. Distinguished between basic, core, pre-required, and elective modules.
  4. Designed the draft of their department curriculum based on the Bologna Process and the ECTS.

Number of Participants: 24

Location: Seminar Hall, Lebanese French University