The second bologna process workshop: program learning outcome

On Monday 12/9/2022, the department of Business Administration arranged a national workshop entitled “The Second National Workshop on Bologna Process: Program Learning Outcome” for the university faculty members as preparation for the implementation of the Bologna Process. Assist Lecturer, Khowanas Saeed Qader from the Accounting department introduced the objective and learning outcome of the workshop, and then Dr. Nabaz Nawzad Abdullah explained the program’s learning outcome and why it’s important in modern education. He provided examples and encouraged participants to focus on the program learning outcome and relate it to the labor market and the 21st-century skills that are important for the placement and contribution towards community development.

The third part of the workshop was followed by group work and faculty members were practically involved in drafting the program learning outcome. All academic staff of the College of Administration and Economics attended.

Workshop learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop participants:

  1. Acknowledged the significance of program learning outcome
  2. Learned about 21st-century skills.
  3. The drafted program learning outcomes for each program.

Number of Participants: 21

Location: Seminar Hall, Lebanese French University


Nabaz Nawzad Abdullah is the dean of the College of Administration and Economics. He obtained a master’s and a Ph.D. degree in Public Management at the Universiti Utara Malaysia, a Bachelor’s Degree in Politics and International Relations at the University of Kurdistan-Hewler; and he is a certified Pedagogy trainer by the Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

Khowanas Qader is a Faculty member of the College of Administration and Economics. He obtained a Master’s degree in Accounting and finance at the Cyprus international university, Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting at the University of Cihan-Erbil.