In the academic year 2014–2015, the department of legal administration was established. This mobility is a manifestation of the Kurdistan regions seek for boosting the degree of legal and administrative recognition to help persons engaging in the legal, administrative, and judging domains. The department is also intended to establish a component of those efforts that are now underway for building mechanisms that will improve the progression of humanity across the Kurdistan region. We participate in the development process, which the authorities will be eager regarding, with the initiative for betterment.
Legal administration department plays a significant role in improving the level of expertise, legal culture and legal administration of the graduated students of the Legal Administration department in Lebanese French University. To this end both of the theoretical and practical aspects are employed to train qualified and effective graduate students to meet the requirements in the career field.
As a result of the rapid change in the society’s movement forward and to join the revolution in the existing educational and technological fields, Legal Administration department’s duties for increasing knowledge are essential. In the same token, the department tries to catch up with the changes achieved in all the aspects of social life.
This can be done through the appropriate realization of the laws and awareness of the importance of both theoretical and practical fields. It can also be done by an accurate practice of legal administration along with identifying all the necessary tactics, rights and responsibilities. This guarantees this claim that improvement at a unique social level has achieved.
The advancement of the specific area in legal administration necessitates an extensive amount of knowledge from the student. Meanwhile, the department must have an organized library, qualified instructors with suitable educational backgrounds, and the most up-to-date teaching techniques made possible by technology. However, the most recent legislation must be realized. In order to activate educational evaluation, define the methods of study, and identify practical assessments, we attempt to maintain the department at the level of comparable departments at other institutions.
Undergraduate Program
Postgraduate Program
Houshyar Abdulrahman Darbandi
Head of Department
No. of Students:104
No. of Staff:
Number of Modules: