Work engagement and its influence in boosting productivity

  • Today's managers are working hard to improve their performance in the face
    of increasing competition and obstacles. Organizational objectives can only
    be met if employees are engaged with their jobs. In addition, they indicated
    that further research is needed to determine how it affects performance.
    Emotional involvement in the workplace can be described as "putting one's
    heart and soul into one's work. The study aimed to investigate the impact of
    work engagement on boosting productivity at selected private businesses in
    Erbil. The research hypothesis was tested using a quantitative research
    approach. As requested by participants, the researcher withheld any
    identifying information from published findings, so that no one would be able
    to identify the firms involved. Only 97 of the 110 questionnaires provided by
    the researcher at private enterprises in Kurdistan were filled out and returned
    by the participants. The findings showed that work engagement has a positive
    and significant influence on boosting productivity at selected private
    businesses in Erbil.

  • Bryar Sami Abdulrahman
  • International Journal of Language, Literature and Culture (IJLLC)
  • ยท November 2022
  • work-engagement