The impact of Talent Management on Organizational Creativity

  • Mohammed Burhan
    Mohammed Adnan
    Kale Oamr

  • Ronyaz Hayyas Mahmood
  • Abstract

    This research aimed to of the research is to try to identify the impact of talent management practices on the development of organizational creativity. the methods that using in this research. However, we show the design of the research and we use the primary data to giving results. Questionnaire design & development. Statistical tools used and descriptive analysis. Primary data is the data that has been collected from your self-using a questionnaire form. It is the first time collected by it’s an investigator for statistical analysis. It is collected from respondents from Royal Jourdan Company for Airplane in Erbil City. The conclusion of research its:

    • The number of male’s employee is higher than the number of female’s employee since the majority of employees in the Royal Jourdan Company are young.
    • Most of the employees in this survey have Bachelor while most of the employees at Royal Jourdan Company are fresh depending on their experience.
    • There is a significant Management Talent at Royal Jourdan Company for Airplane in Erbil City because the average for each of the questions are close to 4 in turns the overall of average is also close to four.
  • Talent Management, Organizational Creativity, Human resource Management, Organization theory
  • The impact of Talent Management on Organizational Creativity