Scientific Trip

On Thursday, February 2, 2023, the 2nd stage students of Medical Laboratory Science, Health Science College, went on a Scientific Trip to ImmunoGene center; its advanced center at the level of molecular biology, and molecular Genetics, there is specific to the diagnosis of cancer, genetics disease and many other diseases at the level of molecular DNA under the supervision of professor Dr Hazha Jamal Hidayat. The trip was organized by Assist. Lec.  Hozan I. Rwandzy who is a lecturer in the department along with the department’s Staff Assist. Lab. Ms Snur.

The aim of the field trip was to show the students, the medical tests mentioned above and how the medical laboratory work in order to preserve the quality of their working tools and the viability of their samples, as well as to collect data for the research, keep records of patient information and manage their health profiles.

Presenter/s Information

1- Professor Dr Hazha J. Hidayat

Human Geneticist

BSBIO, MSBIO, PhD in Human Genetics

Director of ImmunoGen Center

Lecturer at Biology dept., education college, SalahaddinUniversity-Erbil.

2- Assist. Lec.  Hozan I. Rwandzy

Human Geneticist

BSBIO, MSBIO in Human Genetics.

Lecturer at medical laboratory science dept., health science college, Lebanese French University.

3- Ms Snur Rasool


BSBIO in Biology

Assist. Lab at medical laboratory science dept., health science college, Lebanese French University.