An international Workshop “Tourism as a financial tool for economic recovery”

On Wednesday 25th of January 2023, the department of tourism Administration at the college of administration and economics in coordination with Dian Nuswantoro University arranged an international workshop entitled ” Tourism as a financial tool for economic recovery ” for the university faculty members. Lecturer, Hoshyar Darbandi introduced the presenters, and then lecturer Maria Safitri briefed the topic and also explained the tools for raising awareness about the importance of financial sources to improve tourism infrastructures. The second part of the workshop was presented by Lecturer, Hoshyar Darbandi, who discussed more deeply about the topic and focused on the strategies.

Workshop learning outcome

The workshop highlighted all aspects and opportunities for improving the economy of the Kurdistan region and Indonesian country and the challenges such as lack of (production capacity, natural resources, and product attractiveness) that cause weakening financing and funding of tourism projects

Also, financial opportunities such as foreign exchange reserves and tourism stimulate investments, human capital was among the elements underlined as tools for improving financial sources.     

Number of Participants: 35

Presenter/s Information

  1. Houshyar Darbandi holds a master’s degree in international Tourism Management, Head of the Department of Tourism Administration at the College of Administration and Economics at Lebanese French University Erbil.

2.Maria Safitri SE., MM., CFP. Master holder in Finance Dian Nuswantoro University- Indonesia.