The Department of French Language Conducted a Community Activity

On Wednesday, October 19 and Wednesday 26 October, 2022, the department of French language in College of Education and Languages at Lebanese French University conducted a community activity under the title “Introduction to French language”. Lectures were presented in Fink Educational Complex that targeted their primary school, secondary school and high school. In the first day, Ms. Julie Guibreteau, faculty member in department of French language has introduced the university generally and the department of French language in particular, to the students of Fink Educational Complex. 

In the second day, Ms. Sarah Kayfi , faculty member in department of French language has given an introduction to French language, the basics, the alphabetic, the numbers, greeting and introducing oneself. The students have asked questions to know the meaning of some words they had wanted. Furthermore, with these schools activity the participants had a chance to get more information about a new language (French) and a new university (Lebanese French) therefore to help them in their future careers guidance. 

Activity Outcomes 

The following was the outcome for the participants 

  1. The students learnt and knew the basic of French language.
  2. They gained a good information to know their future careers guidance. 

Presenter’s Information 

Ms. Sarah Kayfi Akram, holds a master in Didactics of French as a Foreign / Second language and Languages of the World, at La Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 University. Currently, she is Assistant Lecturer and HOD, in French Language Department, College of Education and Languages at Lebanese French University, Erbil, Iraq. 

Ms. Julie Guibreteau, holds a master in linguistics specialized in French as a foreign language, at University of Rouen. Currently, she is Assistant Lecturer , in French Language Department, College of Education and Languages at Lebanese French University, Erbil, Iraq.