The Lebanese French University comprises four colleges, College of Engineering and Computer Science, College of Law and International Relations, College of Business Administration and Economics, College of Education and Languages, and the Department of Medical Laboratory Science. The Colleges hold up to 20 Departments altogether.
The University is Home to Many Scientific Centers such as the Center for Research and Strategic Studies, Centre for Pedagogical Training and Academic Development, Centre for Gender Studies, Faculty Development Centre, Language Centre, Centre of Management of Information System and Communications, and Marketing Centre. The Communications and Marketing Centre has Developed Qalaai Zanist Scientific Journal (QZSJ).
The Council of the Lebanese French University is the supreme and absolute authority in all matters and issues related to the university. It is the body supervising financial, administrative, educational, and scientific research affairs.
The University Council will Convene at least once a month. Such Meeting will be Correctly Held and Valid only if attended by Two-Thirds of the Council Membership.
The Resolutions of the Council will pass by the Absolute Majority Vote of the Members in Session, and in case of a Tie, The Side on Which the President or the Vice President Votes will prevail.
Pursuant to Article 13 of Law No. 2, 2013, of the Private Universities Law, Issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Region, the University Council will Discharge and Process the Academic, Administrative, and Financial Affairs of the University and See to it that the University’s General Policy is Implemented. To This End, it will: