Yousif Maghdid Qader

44001 Erbil, Kurdistan Region

Yousif Maghdid Qader

Assistant Lecturer
Department of Business Administration


Yousif Maghdid Qader 

Yousif is currently serves as Asst. Lecturer at LFU- College of Administration & Economics

Yousif has published two impactful articles, demonstrating his commitment to advancing knowledge and nurturing innovation. The educational journey has intensified him with the knowledge and skills to excel in his field. In 2022, He got a Master’s Degree in Business and Management from University of Salahaddin, Erbil, through giving new research entitled (role of wisdom leadership and psychological well-being in increasing innovation performance.

Prior to his Master’s program, Yousif completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Management at (TIU) in Erbil, Iraq, where his graduation thesis dived into the role and challenges faced by non-governmental organizations in the Kurdistan region.

The circumstances within our society have led him to delve into the GBV programs with WFWI NGO and taking various roles and responsibilities, within a collaboration work between WFWI and UNTF. Yousif has focused on crucial subjects such as Gender violence, positive masculinity, power, Leadership, Gender roles, and Gender equality.

His involvement with charitable work goes beyond the academic realm. In 2014, he became a member of the constituent board of “Roj Mad NGO”, actively participating in urgent assessments and coordinating the collection of non-item food for Syrian refugees in Erbil, Iraq.

Furthermore, in recognition of his academic and professional achievements, he has received certifications of appreciation for attending prominent conferences and has undertaken international training experiences.

He served as the Head of the Business Management Department and member of council decision making for the academic year 2022-2023 in a G-Institute, Erbil.

His objective is to continue pursuing challenging positions within this esteemed organization, where he can contribute to projects aimed at community development, human resources, administration, and management.

Professional Roles:

Head of Business Management Department, 2022-2023

Lead Trainer, Men Engagement Program, WFWI NGO and UNTF, 2019

Member of Constituent Board, Roj Mad NGO, 2014

HR Department Manager –IDL institute -Ranya 2013-2014


Certification of Appreciation for Attending the 3rd International Business and Administrative Sciences Conference (IBASSC 2018)

Certification of Appreciation for Attending the International Conference on Accounting, Business, Economics, and Politics (ICABEP 2018)

International Experience:

15-day Practice & Training in Customer Service, Zurich, Switzerland, Carrosserie Glanz, 2015

I look forward to further contributing to academic and humanitarian events and creating a positive impact in the years to come.


  • Salahaddin University Master of Science Administration 2023
  • Tishk International University Bachelor of Science Business and management 2023