Culture Activity : ” Traditional Literary”

We are pleased to share the success of the “Traditional Literary” event held on March 10, 2024 by the Department of Information Technology of the College of Engineering and Computer Science of the Lebanese-French University. The event was full of cultural diversity and artistic performances and talented students. The aim of this activity is to help students stay in touch with the rich cultural values, customs and traditions of our country by organizing cultural performances/festivals and serving as a forum to hone and showcase their skills as well as their Improve communication skills and enhance expressiveness and critical thinking.

Highlights of the Event:

  • Poetry Lectures: Our students captivated the audience with their emotional and thought-provoking poetry readings.
  • Musical performances: The enchanting musical pieces brought traditions to life and left a lasting impression on everyone in attendance.
  • Certificate Distribution: Certificates were awarded to recognize the efforts and creativity of our talented students.

We would like to thank all participants, staff and students who contributed to the great success of this event. While we cherish the memories created during the Traditional Literature event, we look forward to more cultural celebrations and creative endeavors in the future at the Lebanese French University.