The Relation Between Literature and Psychology

  • Gailan Maghded
    Bryar Mohammed Mohammed Abdullah
    Dyar Ali

  • Asst. Lect. Meram Salim Shekh Mohammed
  • This paper delves into the relationship between psychology and literature, with a specific focus on mental health issues. The goal is to investigate the factors that influence both psychology and literature, including the use of books as a form of therapy for mental health, known as bibliotherapy. In addition, the works of famous authors Fyodor Dostoevsky and Sarah Kane are examined in terms of how they address mental health issues in their literature. Crime and Punishment (1866) and 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane (2000) are investigated as examples of how literature can explore inner struggles with guilt and morality. The non-linear narrative structure of "Psychosis" is also examined in order to demonstrate how it portrays the experience of living with a mental illness. Overall, this analysis sheds light on the complex relationship between literature, psychology, and mental health, as well as the potential benefits of using literature as a form of therapy for mental health issues.

  • Literature, Psychology, Bibliotherapy, Mental health, and Relationship.
  • The Relation Between Literature and Psychology