The department of Diplomacy and International continues the course entitled ‘Work Ethics Skills’

The second, third, fourth and fifth days of the training course for Lebanese French University employees were held on Monday, February 13, 2023 at 1:30 pm in the seminar hall of the university.
On the second day of the course, Mr. (Prof. Fazel Jaff – International Expert and Trainer in the Art of Etiquette and Body Language) presented a paper entitled (Body Language in Work Etiquette). and explained on-the-job body movements related to work ethics,
Then Mr. Halgurd Massoud Salaiy, Advisor on Protocol and Diplomatic Relations in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers/Foreign Relations Office, presented a paper entitled “Office Etiquette” on the third day of the course He emphasized the importance of etiquette in the office in terms of practice and explained several important points related to etiquette and the differences with protocol for the employees.
Later, on the fourth day of the conference, Mr. (Prof. Nabaz Nawzad – Dean of the College of Management and Economics / Lebanese French University) presented a topic entitled (Soft Skills) to the participants from an academic and scientific perspective skills that should exist among employees, such as the characteristics that describe the personality, attitude, behavior and general attitude of employees towards others, and he highlighted the types of soft skills, such as communication skills, interpersonal skills, He explained leadership skills, work ethic, creative thinking skills and teamwork to the participants.
On the fifth day, Mr. (Prof. Sardar Qadir – Assistant Dean of College of Political Sciences, Salahaddin University) presented a topic entitled (Art of Etiquette and Self-Skills Development) for the university employees He stressed the importance of etiquette and principles of healthy dialogue and respect for daily dealings of employees, while presenting many other details in the field.
It is worth mentioning that a significant number of employees and staff of Rwanga Foundation attended the training course.
In the last part of the training course, questions related to the topics were asked by the employees and participants and they answered the questions of the participants.On Sunday, February 12, 2023, Lebanese French University organized a training course titled “Work Ethics Skills” in the university’s seminar hall. The course will run for six days and aims to develop the skills and competencies of university employees in work ethics and handling skills while keeping them informed of the latest information and developments in various fields of science and information.

The second, third, fourth and fifth days of the training course for Lebanese French University employees were held on Monday, February 13, 2023 at 1:30 pm in the seminar hall of the university.
On the second day of the course, Mr. (Prof. Fazel Jaff – International Expert and Trainer in the Art of Etiquette and Body Language) presented a paper entitled (Body Language in Work Etiquette). and explained on-the-job body movements related to work ethics,
Then Mr. Halgurd Massoud Salaiy, Advisor on Protocol and Diplomatic Relations in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers/Foreign Relations Office, presented a paper entitled “Office Etiquette” on the third day of the course He emphasized the importance of etiquette in the office in terms of practice and explained several important points related to etiquette and the differences with protocol for the employees.
Later, on the fourth day of the conference, Mr. (Prof. Nabaz Nawzad – Dean of the College of Management and Economics / Lebanese French University) presented a topic entitled (Soft Skills) to the participants from an academic and scientific perspective skills that should exist among employees, such as the characteristics that describe the personality, attitude, behavior and general attitude of employees towards others, and he highlighted the types of soft skills, such as communication skills, interpersonal skills, He explained leadership skills, work ethic, creative thinking skills and teamwork to the participants.
On the fifth day, Mr. (Prof. Sardar Qadir – Assistant Dean of College of Political Sciences, Salahaddin University) presented a topic entitled (Art of Etiquette and Self-Skills Development) for the university employees He stressed the importance of etiquette and principles of healthy dialogue and respect for daily dealings of employees, while presenting many other details in the field.
It is worth mentioning that a significant number of employees and staff of Rwanga Foundation attended the training course.
In the last part of the training course, questions related to the topics were asked by the employees and participants and they answered the questions of the participants.On Sunday, February 12, 2023, Lebanese French University organized a training course titled “Work Ethics Skills” in the university’s seminar hall. The course will run for six days and aims to develop the skills and competencies of university employees in work ethics and handling skills while keeping them informed of the latest information and developments in various fields of science and information.

The second, third, fourth and fifth days of the training course for Lebanese French University employees were held on Monday, February 13, 2023 at 1:30 pm in the seminar hall of the university.
On the second day of the course, Mr. (Prof. Fazel Jaff – International Expert and Trainer in the Art of Etiquette and Body Language) presented a paper entitled (Body Language in Work Etiquette). and explained on-the-job body movements related to work ethics,
Then Mr. Halgurd Massoud Salaiy, Advisor on Protocol and Diplomatic Relations in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers/Foreign Relations Office, presented a paper entitled “Office Etiquette” on the third day of the course He emphasized the importance of etiquette in the office in terms of practice and explained several important points related to etiquette and the differences with protocol for the employees.
Later, on the fourth day of the conference, Mr. (Prof. Nabaz Nawzad – Dean of the College of Management and Economics / Lebanese French University) presented a topic entitled (Soft Skills) to the participants from an academic and scientific perspective skills that should exist among employees, such as the characteristics that describe the personality, attitude, behavior and general attitude of employees towards others, and he highlighted the types of soft skills, such as communication skills, interpersonal skills, He explained leadership skills, work ethic, creative thinking skills and teamwork to the participants.
On the fifth day, Mr. (Prof. Sardar Qadir – Assistant Dean of College of Political Sciences, Salahaddin University) presented a topic entitled (Art of Etiquette and Self-Skills Development) for the university employees He stressed the importance of etiquette and principles of healthy dialogue and respect for daily dealings of employees, while presenting many other details in the field.
It is worth mentioning that a significant number of employees and staff of Rwanga Foundation attended the training course.
In the last part of the training course, questions related to the topics were asked by the employees and participants and they answered the questions of the participants.On Sunday, February 12, 2023, Lebanese French University organized a training course titled “Work Ethics Skills” in the university’s seminar hall. The course will run for six days and aims to develop the skills and competencies of university employees in work ethics and handling skills while keeping them informed of the latest information and developments in various fields of science and information.

لەدرێژەی بەڕێوەچوونی، كارەكانی خولی ڕاهێنانی فەرمانبەران لە زانكۆی لوبنانی فەڕەنسی

ڕۆژی (دووشه‌ممه‌)‌ـەوە، ڕێكه‌وتی (13-2-2023)، لە كاتژمێر (1:30)ـی دوای نیوەڕۆ و‌ له‌ هۆڵی سیمیناره‌كانی زانكۆ، ڕۆژانی دووەم و سێیەم و چوارەم و پێنجەمی خولی ڕاهێنانی فەرمانبەرانی زانكۆی لوبنانی فەڕەنسی بەڕێوەچوو.

له ڕۆژی دووەمی خولەکەدا‌ به‌ڕێز (پ.ی.د. فاضل جاف – پسپۆر و ڕاهێنەری نێودەوڵەتی لە هونەری ئەتەكێت و زمانی جەستە) بابه‌تێكی به‌ناونیشانی (زمانی جه‌سته‌ له‌ ئه‌ته‌كێتی كاركردن) پێشكه‌ش كرد، پاشان به‌ڕێزیان له‌ روانگه‌ی گرنگی و كارگەرییەكانی زمانی جه‌سته‌وه لە پرۆسەی كاركردن و وەزیفەدا و‌ جوله‌كانی جه‌سته‌ و په‌یوه‌ندیدار به‌ ئه‌ته‌كێتی كاركردن شیكرده‌وه،

دواتر بەڕێز (م.هه‌ڵگورد مسعود ساڵه‌یی- ڕاوێژکاری پرۆتۆکۆل و پەیوەندی دیپلۆماسی لە سەرۆکایەتی ئەنجومەنی وەزیران/ فەرمانگەی پەیوەندییەکانی دەرەوە) و لە سێیەم ڕۆژی خولەكەدا، بابه‌تێكی به‌ناونیشانی (ئەتەكێتی فەرمانگە) پێشكه‌ش كرد، تیایدا بەڕێزیان بە مەبەستی پەرەدان بە توانا و داڕشتنی نەخشەسازی پەیڕەوەوە تیشكی خستە سەر گرنگی هونەری ئەتەكێت لە فەرمانگە لە ڕووی پراكتیكییه‌وه‌ و چه‌ندین ئاماژه‌ و بابه‌تی گرینگی په‌یوه‌ست به‌ ئه‌ته‌كێت و جیاوازی لەگەڵ پرۆتۆكۆلەوە بۆ فەرمانبەران باسكرد.

دواتر و لە چوارەم ڕۆژی خەلەكەدا، به‌ڕێز (پ.ی.د. نه‌به‌ز نه‌وزاد – ڕاگری کۆلێژی کارگێری و ئابوری/ زانکۆی لوبنانی فەڕەنسی) بابه‌تێكی به‌ ناونیشانی (كارامه‌ییه‌ نه‌رمه‌كان) بۆ ئاماده‌بووان له‌ روانگه‌ی ئه‌كادیمی و زانستی خسته‌روو، هه‌روه‌ها به‌ڕێزیان باسی له‌ بابەتی Soft skills كرد كە پێویستە بوونی هەبێت لە لای فەرمانبەرانەوە، وەك ئەو خەسڵەتانە کە باس لە کەسایەتی و هەڵوێست و ڕەوشت و ڕوانگەی گشتی فەرمانبەر دەکەن بەرامبەر بە کەسانی دەوروبەر، هەروەها بەڕێزیان ڕۆشنایی خستە سەر بابەتی شێواز وجۆرەكانی کارامەیی نەرم، وەك کارامەیی پەیوەندیکردن، کارامەیی نێوان کەسی، کارامەیی سەرکردایەتی، ئیتیکی کارکردن، کارامەیی بیركردنەوەی داهێنەرانە و كاری تیمی بۆ ئامادەبووانی خولەكە روونكرده‌وه‌.

لە ڕۆژی پێنجەمدا، به‌ڕێز (پ.د. سردار قادر – یاریدەدەری ڕاگری کۆلێژی زانستە سیاسییەکان، زانکۆی سەلاحەددین) بابه‌تێكی به‌ ناونیشانی (هونەری ئەتەكێت و پەرەپێدانی تواناكانی خود) بۆ فەرمانبەرانی زانكۆ خسته‌روو، هه‌روه‌ها له‌ سەرەتادا به‌ڕێزیان باس لە میكانیزمی پەرەپێدانی خودی كرد و ‌ گرنگی بواری ئەتەكێت و بنەماکانی گفتوگۆی تەندروست و ڕێزگرتن لەمامەڵەی ڕۆژانەی فەرمانبەران كرد، وێڕای خستنەڕووی چەندین وردەکاری تر لەبوارەکەدا ‌خرایه‌ڕوو.

شایەنی باسە، لە ڕۆژانی خولی ڕاهێنانی فەرمانبەران ژمارەیەکی بەرچاو لە فەرمانبەران و ستافی دەزگای ڕوانگە ئامادەبوون و بەشداری خولەكەیان كرد،

له‌ به‌شی دواتری ڕۆژانی خولی ڕاهێنان، له‌ لایه‌ن فەرمانبەران و ئاماده‌بووانه‌وه‌ پرسیاری په‌یوه‌ندیدار به‌ بابه‌ته‌كان ئاراسته‌ی ڕاهێنەران كراو ناوبراوانیش‌ وه‌ڵامی پرسیاری ئاماده‌بووانیان دایه‌وه‌.