On Wednesday 9th of November 2022, the Law department jointly with Kurdistan Centre for International Law held a workshop on ”Domesticating International Criminal Law in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq”. The workshop was specifically aimed at legal scholars and academics in raising awareness about the subject of incorporating international criminal law. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria(ISIS) has perpetrated international crimes in Iraq and Syria against minorities, as documented by many non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Yet justice has not been realised due to lack of jurisdiction and efficiency to prosecute these crimes and to respond to the suffering of victims, especially to the needs of victims of sexual and gender-based violence. For this reason, it is crucial to analyse the legislative and judicial system in KRI and to identify deficiencies which must be addressed to deal with these international crimes in a suitable and effective manner through the enactment of a specifically tailored legal framework for KRI. A legal base was discussed for the purpose of domesticating and discussions were made on the matter.
The presenters of the workshop were:
1/ Dr. Soran Barzinjy – Advisor at the Kurdistan Parliament
2/ Sheraz Ibrahim – Lecturer in the Law department
3/ Hawre Ahmed – Co-founder of KCIL