nabaz nawzad


Abstract: The Right to be Forgotten (RTF) has appeared since the 1960s and has emerged again as the idea conflicted with the imposition of technical reality in terms of retaining personal data for unknown periods of time that may be difficult unless it is impossible to erase it from the virtual map. There are many...
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Abstract: Machines using Bayesian networks can be used to construct the framework of information in artificial intelligence that connects the variables in a probabilistic way. "Deleting, reversing, moving, and inserting" is an approach to finding the best answer to the proposition of the problem in the algorithm. In the Enhanced Surface Water Searching Technique, most...
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Abstract: This paper is going to follow-up the cultural studies that concentrate on cultural authority and presents the concept of the power of the main groups to dominate society. It'll also raise the question of how people lived within the 1920s in America. The goal is to analyze how to use cultural studies, Scott Fitzgerald...
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Abstract: The main objective of this research is to examine the role of ethical leadership style in enhancing strategic innovation based on faculty board members’ perceptions in some private universities in Erbil City during 2021. The research used a quantitative research method and applied a survey questionnaire as the data collection’s primary instrument. Thе research...
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Abstract: When organizations attempt to produce on-demand products and consider customers' expectations, the organization's environment changes. In this regard, the organizations have a robust understanding of the possible changes, whether internal or external, and consider a wide range of policies. The organization must identify all significant changes occurring inside and outside the organizational structure. Therefore,...
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Abstract: The nineteenth century is largely recognized for the controversial disagreements between the newly scientific discoveries and religious theories. Thus, this paper presents data on the Victorian period and more specifically the poem Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold. Meantime, it highlights the loss of faith in the Victorian society of England through the lens of...
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Abstract: Kidney failure is a global public health problem, with increasing incidence and prevalence, high costs, and poor outcomes, there is even a substantially higher prevalence of the earlier stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), with adverse outcomes, including loss of kidney function. Strategies to improve outcomes will require a global effort directed at the...
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Abstract: This study is aimed at analyzing the relationship between social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and organizational performance in the context of economic and social economy companies in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Such incorporates investigating the mediating effects of CSR on the relationship between social entrepreneurship and organizational performance. Consequently, a structural equation...
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Abstract: Sexual abuse is a common phenomenon across the globe; this crime has gained much attention to the extent that a great number of studies have been carried out on this subject. Hence, kids have always been victims of this reprehensible act. One will wonder why some men are stimulated to commit this heinous crime...
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Abstract: In this paper, we talk about Fractional differential equations are generalizations of ordinary differential equations to an arbitrary (non-integer) order. Fractional differential equations have attracted considerable interest because of their ability to model complex phenomena. These equations capture nonlocal relations in space and time with power-law memory kernels. Due to the extensive applications of...
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