Sherzad Miro Ibrahim
Subhan Adil Abdulla
Muhammed Salahaddin Ahmed
Chya Zozk Muhammed - Dr. Prabhu Mannadhan
Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for a company or Institution and its jobs and functions. The competency required for a particular job depends on many factors. Software developers are important keys to success of the software industry. Competent people are the driving force in a fiercely competitive and complex business environment. No organisation can ignore the benefits that accrue from a vibrant and diverse workforce. Therefore, it is imperative that every organisation devices structures and plans to retain its competent employees. Organisations depend on these employees to achieve targets and to generate return on investment. Iraqi IT and ITES industry has immensely contributed to the growth of Iraqi economy. To study the personal and organisational details of IT and ITES employees in the study area. To analyse the factors influencing competency mapping and the factors like knowledge and skill, leadership, interpersonal communication, customer orientation, achievement orientation and core competence among the IT and ITES employees. The result revealed that a significant number of employees working in IT and ITES industry were found in the age group of 26-30 and working less than five years. The study showed that male employees are higher when compared to female employees. The employees are more in number in top level position and hold a postgraduation degree. The study also revealed all the factors like knowledge and skill, leadership competency, interpersonal communication, customer orientation, achievement orientation, team orientation, core competence, negotiation, functional expertise, innovation, job suitability were found to have significant influence on competency mapping.
- Competency Mapping, Company, Organisations, Leadership Competency
- Sherzad Miro Ibrahim-1-5