An Intensive University-Business partnership training program completed on Advanced Human Resource Management

An Intensive University-Business partnership training program completed on Advanced Human Resource Management
As part of the university-business cooperation activity, the College of Administration and Economics in Coordination with Advanced Skill conducted a 5 days intensive commercial course entitled “advanced human resource management training course.” The training organized by the Advanced Skills Erbil in coordination with Lebanese French University and presented by Dr. Nabaz Nawzad Abdullah, Dean of Administration and Economics College. The course took place from 16 July 2022 to 21 July 2022 in Advanced Skill office in Erbil. The
Advanced human resources management training course offered participants a wide variety of insights into, and involvement in, all aspects of a business as effective management of human resources increases organizational performance and ensures the achievement of competitive advantage. This program offered participants comprehensive understanding on how to set HR planning and strategies to manage organization’s most important resources. It also provided an insight to improve your qualification that makes them eligible to tackle opportunities related to HR practice.
The following Topics covered during this 24 hours intensive training program:

  1. Human Resources Management and Organizational Strategy
  2. Policy and Planning
  3. Recruiting and Retaining Staff
  4. Performance Appraisal
  5. Establishing Salary Structures
  6. Staff Engagement and Team Building
  7. Timesheet Management
  8. Performance Management
  9. Job Enrichment and Challenges in Job Design

A part from university-business partnership and our contribution in skill and competency development of local business, part of the income generated will be used for student services at the college of Administration and Economics. More activities are planned to be held in coordination with Advanced skills to help business and generating funds to support student services at Lebanese French University.