Research and Corpus Linguistic Analysis

As part of lifelong learning, on 22 December 2021, the Department of English Language in the College of Education and Languages held a workshop entitled “An Introduction to Corpus Linguistic Analysis”. The workshop was conducted by Asst. Lect. Meram Salim and Asst. Lect. Nahlah N. Khorsheed from English Department in Lebanese French University.  Asst. Lect. Meram began presenting the aim of the workshop which was to introduce the corpus software ‘AntConc’ to the participants of languages to get benefit from its various techniques to investigate linguistic features for their research. Then, Asst. Lect. Nahlah N. Khorsheed  executed an on-hand practice to show the participants how to compile a specialised corpus using Note Pad ++. After that, the participants used the edited plain text file of their data to assign a part of speech tag to each item in the data by using ‘CLAWs’, an online POS tagging software. Finally, the participants upload the tagged plain text file to AntConc to detect any structural pattens occur in their data.

The Outcome of the Workshop:

  1. The participants show ability in utilising the software is introduced to them.
  2. The participants share some ideas in conducting research using corpus linguistic analysis.

Information about the presenters:

  1. Meram Salim, assistant is lecturer in English Language Department at College of Education and Languages, Lebanese French University.
  2. Nahlah N. Khorsheed is a lecturer in English Language Department at College of Education and Languages, Lebanese French University. She is a PhD candidate at University of Utara Malaysia, and her research areas of interest are: Critical Discourse Analysis, Corpus Linguistics.  

Reference: (official decree no. ED&L 73 on November 22, 2021