Science Fiction in the Western and Arabic Literature

On Monday, November 22, 2021, the Department of Arabic Language and Translation at the College of Education and Languages held a national workshop entitled “Science Fiction in Western and Arabic Literature”. The first session of the workshop was presented by Dr. Salah Abdullah Ahmed, a teacher at Salahaddin University and a lecturer in the Department of Arabic Language and Translation. Dr. Salah talked about the emergence of science fiction and the definition of science fiction literature and the relationship between literature, science and technology in Arabic and Western texts. In the second session, Assistant Professor Dr. Nada Sami Nasser, teaching assistant at the Department of Arabic Language and Translation, presented the difference between science fiction, myth and myths, focusing on the examples. Dr. Nada also mentioned the origins of science fiction and the influence of Arab writers on Western literature in the art of writing a science fiction novel. 

Workshop Outcomes:

  1. Emphasis on the importance of studying Western literature in its original language in order to comprehend the terms that had the greatest impact on influence and influence.
  2. Myth and legend have a great impact in creating the largest part of the imagination in the literature of any nation.

Presenters’ information

1- Assistant Professor Dr. Nada Sami Nasser – PhD in Arabic Language from Al-Mustansiriya University – Iraq, she currently holds the position of Head of the Arabic Language and Translation Department at the Lebanese French University

2- Dr. Salah Abdullah Ahmed, PhD in Arabic literature from Salahaddin University. Currently he is teaching in College of Education – Shaqlawa, Salahaddin University.

Reference: Official Decree no. ​3​ in ​Octo​ber ​18, 2021.