The college of Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Computer Network held a National Workshop on October 24th, 2021, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., entitled ” An outlook on Energy Management Systems”. Assistant .Prof. Suganti Balaji.
This workshop gave an overview on the energy management systems (EMS) which are automation systems that collect energy measurement data from the field and make it available to users through graphics, online monitoring tools, and energy quality analyzers, thus enabling the management of energy resources. There were 16 participants in attendance, most of them were faculty members from the College of Engineering and Computer Science.
Workshop Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this workshop, participants got an insight on challenges faced in energy sectors and how can energy management be effectively done.
Lebanese French University, College of Engineering and Computer Science Building no. (3), Cisco lab.
Presenter Information:
Dr. S.T.Suganthi is currently working as an Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, College of Engineering & Computer Science, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq. She is a proficient academician with over 15 years of experience in teaching and research in various educational institutions. She obtained the undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the postgraduate degree in Power Systems Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in 2005 and 2010 respectively. She has earned the Ph.D. degree from the Anna University, Chennai under the faculty of Electrical Engineering in 2018.
As an outstanding researcher, Dr.S.T.Suganthi has been awarded with Robert S McNamara Fellowship from World Bank, for pursuing Ph.D through Research Based Student Exchange Programme in Multimedia University, Malaysia. Dr.S.T.Suganthi is a “Gold Medal Winner” of Anna University for her post graduate degree in Power Systems Engineering. She published more than 40 research articles in various reputed international journals and conferences. Also she acted as a resource person for various national level workshops, seminars and conferences. She received the “Best paper Award” for her presentation on “An improved differential evolution algorithm for congestion management considering voltage stability”in an IEEE international conference, ICSCASE 2015.Her areas of interest include Power System Optimization, Restructured Power Systems, Artificial Intelligence, and Evolutionary computation.
کۆلێژی ئەندازیاری و زانستی کۆمپیوتەر، بەشی تەکنەلۆژیای زانیاری و بەشی تۆڕی کۆمپیوتەر وۆرکشۆپێکی نێوخۆییان بۆ ئەندامانی کۆلێژ سازکرد، لەژێر ناونیشانی “تێڕوانینێک لەسەر سیستەمی بەڕێوەبردنی وزە” ، لەلایان پڕۆفیسۆری یاریدەدەر د. سوگانتی باڵاجی و مامۆستای یاریدەدەر سەجا محمد نوری، لە بەرواری ٢٤ی ١٠ی ٢٠٢١، کاتژمێر ١٢ بۆ ٢:٣٠ دوای نیوەڕۆ
ئەم وۆرکشۆپە ناساندنێک بوو بە چەمکە بنەڕەتیەکان و پێداویستیەکان و ئاڵەنگارییەکانی سیستەمەکانی بەڕێوەبردنی وزە
لەرێگای ئەم وۆرکشۆپەوە بەشداربوان تێگەیشتن کە سیستەمەکانی بەڕێوەبردنی وزە سیستەمی ئۆتۆماتیکن و داتای پێوانەیی وزە لە کێڵگەکان کۆدەکەنەوە و دەیخەنە بەردەستی بەکارهێنەران لە ڕێگەی گرافیک و ئامرازەکانی چاودێری سەرهێڵ و شیکەرەوەی کوالێتی وزە، وە بەم شێوەیە بەڕێوەبردنی سەرچاوەکانی وزە کارا دەکەن
دوای تەواوبوونی ئەم وۆرکشۆپە، بەشداربووان زانیاری بنچینەییان کۆکردەوە دەربارەی ئەو ئاڵەنگارییانەی کە ڕووبەڕووی کەرتەرەکانی وزە دەبنەوە و فێربوون کە چۆن بەڕێوەبردنی وزە بە ڕێکی ئەنجام دەدرێت
ژمارەی بەشداربووانی ئەم وۆڕکشۆپە بریتی بوو لە ١٦ کەس کە زۆرینەیان ئەندامانی فاکەڵتی ئەندازیاری و زانستی کۆمپیوتەر بوون