October 29, 2020


In College of Law and International Relations Leila Musa Xeirolah, Assistant Lecturer in Law Department, put forward a course for Academic English Learning from the 6th of October 2020 to the 27th of October 2020. The course was special to the Lecturers of the College of Law and International Relations it was about to improve...
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French department teachers visited the school of Amadaye Hawleri Kchan, to make connection between french lessons and french department of our university, for the futur activities of scientific research.
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On the 25th of October 2020, The Department of Sociology had an international workshop in cooperation with Assist. Lect. Suzan Sabri and Hayate Ait Bouzid through the online platform Zoom. Our guest, Hayate Ait Bouzid is an anthropologist who works as a consultant at Orange Trail in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The subject of the workshop...
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